
General Topics Issue

Our General Topics issue tackles public interest law topics of regional, national and international importance. Previous General Topics issues have included writing on criminal legal reform, environmental law, housing security, healthcare access, tax policy, labor law, disability law, government surveillance, access to justice, electoral redistricting, theories of constitutional interpretation, and countless other topics. We welcome submissions on all topics related to public interest law, broadly defined, including interdisciplinary scholarship.

To submit a General Topics manuscript for our review, please navigate to our Scholastica portal. We consider submissions on a rolling basis.

General Assembly Issue

Our General Assembly issue focuses on the Virginia state legislature, with writing on critical developments from the year’s General Assembly session, as well as calls for public policy reform in Virginia. Previous authors have included legislators, legislative advocates, and policy experts.

To submit a General Assembly manuscript or proposal for our review, please directly email our General Assembly Editors: Tucker Weiser ( and Ryan Pokorny (

Submission Guidelines

Anyone may submit an original piece of writing to be considered for publication in PILR provided they own the copyright for the writing being submitted or are authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the writing. PILR does not accept writing that has been previously published, or is forthcoming, in a journal or book (print or electronic). Please note that “publication” in a working-paper series or on a pre-print service such as SSRN does not constitute prior publication.

PILR requests that each submission be sent as a double-spaced Microsoft Word document with consecutively numbered pages and footnotes. We also encourage inclusion of an an abstract with each submission. There are no formal length requirements or limits for submissions. Submissions should adhere as best as possible to the style presented in the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. However, we do not expect perfection, and our editors will ensure proper style and formatting for all accepted submissions.